Friday, February 26, 2016

Mum, Dad, I Love You~

I Love You, Mom and Dad is now available! Find them in your nearest bookstore! There's 5 stories for Mom and 5 Stories for Dad in this book dedicated to all parents in the world.:)
In this series I was illustrating All By Myself and The Something Wrong with My Dad's Senses.

I Love You Mom and Dad
Author : Arleen Amidjaja
Publisher : PT Buana Ilmu Populer
Language : Indonesia & English
212 pages, softcover

Sunday, February 21, 2016

LINE Stickers - The Ghost Bunny

Say hello to The Ghost Bunny. He's more than eager to haunt your chatroom.

You can find The Ghost Bunny LINE sticker by searching "maygreen" in LINE sticker shop at your apps to find them or just scan the QR code.

You can also buy it here :

Thank you very much~ 


LINE Stickers - The Green Bunny

Finally I can make my own green bunny stickers. ^^

The Green Bunny LINE Sticker available in 4 different language (English, Indonesian, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese) for selected region. You can search "maygreen" in LINE sticker shop at your apps to find them or just scan the QR code. Say what you want to say together with The Green Bunny. ^^

You can also buy it here :
English -
Indonesia -
Japanese -
Traditional Chinese -

Note. some links my not be available due to the region limitation.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Boma Naraka Sura - Kickstarter Campaign

We're finally launching our first Kickstarter Project. \(^O^)/
Please support us by backing this project or share about this game.

Boma Naraka Sura is a 2D metroid style platformer game by Anantarupa Studios, inspired by the legend of Bhomantaka in Indonesian version. The game itself is a story about a young girl that stands before gods and demons, trying to get her life and memories back. In this game, I'm working the characters asset, costumes, and animation. :)

Since we're planning to release it as PC game in Steam, here's Boma Naraka Sura's Steam Greenlight page.
We really appreciate if you could vote our game.

We also have our facebook fanpage, so please like it to get our updates or if you want to ask question about the game.

Thank you very much~

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lika-liku Ojek dan GOJEK

Sebelumnya gw mau ngiklan sejenak. Buat yang mau coba Gojek pertama kali, bisa coba masukin referral code 542716465 biar dapet Go-Jek credit Rp50.000,- buat ngegojek gratis. :)

Beberapa minggu terakhir ini Gojek lumayan ramai diperbincangkan. Terutama sejak ada orang yang posting gimana Gojek pesanannya cancel 2x gara-gara dicegat para tukang ojek pangkalan. Setiap kali gw lewat pangkalan ojek juga tidak jarang terdengar keluhan mereka sama keberadaan Gojek yang membuat pendapatan mereka makin seret. Gw awalnya sempet ngira kisah orang yang Gojeknya cancel 2x itu bagian PR dari Gojek sendiri biar awareness masyarakat ke Gojek meningkat sekalian dia juga lagi promo Ceban Ramadhan. Tapi spanduk larangan maupun pengusiran terang-terangan para driver Gojek ini membuat gesekan antar keduanya makin ketahuan. Para tukang ojek pangkalan ini berusaha mati-matian menjaga eksistensi mereka dengan memusuhi Gojek dimana menurut gw itu sungguh... Goblok.

Goblok karena upaya mereka justru amat sangat kontraproduktif. Ini era dimana sosmed memantau dimana-mana dan semua info bisa cepat tersebar hanya dengan modal ketik-ketik dan upload foto. Pengguna Gojek itu semuanya melek sosmed. Kelakuan para abang ojek konvensional (yang mungkin sebenernya nga semuanya kayak gitu tapi yang baik-baik pun jadi kena imbas juga) cuma akan terlihat sebagai upaya premanisme yang akhirnya bikin orang makin males pake ojek pangkalan karena stigmanya sebagai orang kalah saing dan cuma bisa pake kekerasan.

Terus itu spanduk larangan, beneran deh... Mikirnya mungkin biar Gojek pada takut? Apa ngga ada yang nyadar kalau ojek-ojek pangkalan berspanduk melarang Gojek Goblek (Grabbike kali ya maksudnya?) itu justru jadi iklan gratis yg bikin orang makin naik awarenessnya dan ngomongin Gojek? Ngga suka tapi malah imbasnya ngiklanin gratis ya lucu juga sih jadinya.

Semakin Gojek dibully orang justru makin simpati sama armada hijau ini. Apalagi Gojek emang ngasih banyak service yang sulit didapatkan dari tukang ojek pangkalan. Selama tukang-tukang ojek konvensional ini cari uang tanpa mau puter otak buat nyenengin konsumennya ya ngga mungkin menang lah. Gw kesel karena harusnya suka-suka gw sebagai konsumen untuk ngasih duid ke siapapun yang gw mau. Kenapa tau-tau ada pihak yang merasa lebih berhak atas duid konsumen hanya karena dia sudah 'lama' di bidang usaha tersebut? Padahal servis juga ngga lebih bagus.

Dan mau dibilang apa kenyataannya model apps begini ngga cuma memudahkan konsumen memesan ojek, tapi juga memudahkan driver untuk mendapat penumpang lebih banyak sehingga pendapatan mereka sangat oke. Berduyun-duyun orang dari berbagai kalangan tertarik untuk menjadi armada Gojek. Saking banyaknya sekarang malah dibatasin hanya terima 300 orang pendaftar dalam sehari. Kalau armada Gojek ini makin besar jumlahnya, apa ngga balik tukang ojek pangkalan yang preman itu yang akhirnya mati kutu?

Gw sendiri selama ini cuma pakai jasa ojek kalau benar-benar amat sangat kepepet banget karena sebelum ada Gojek gw sangat ilfil dengan moda transportasi yang satu ini. Pertama-tama soal harga, keluhan mayoritas orang sama ojek konvensional. Selain harga tembak yang kadang ngga kira-kira, yang paling males dari ojek konvensional adalah ketika elu lagi dianterin tau-tau di tengah jalan abangnya minta nambah duid dari biaya yang sudah disepakati gara-gara berasa kejauhan. Itu nyebelin pake banget!

Kedua, gw merasa para tukang ojek ini banyak yang baperan. Kalau misalnya gw pernah pakai seorang ojek di suatu pangkalan 1-2x, misalnya suatu ketika gw pakai tukang ojek lain, tau-tau bisa ngambek. Terus tiap kali gw lewat pangkalan itu mereka sungguh berharap gw memakai jasa mereka meski gw lagi ngga butuh. Kalau gw lagi butuh ojek, pasti gw langsung samperin dan ngga harus dipanggil-panggil gitu. Ojek-ojek baper ini yang bikin gw ngga pernah mau menggunakan jasa ojek di pangkalan yang sehari-harinya sering gw lewatin.

Kadang ada juga kasusnya yang pas butuh tapi ojek-ojek pangkalannya pada ogah-ogahan nganterin. Trus oper-oper ke temennya yang lain dan masang tarif seenak jidat karena ngeliat si konsumen lagi kepepet. Gw ngga bilang Gojek ngga kayak gini, tapi karena pesennya dari apps setidaknya gw ngga perlu liat proses ogah-ogahan itu di depan mata gw.

Lalu yang terakhir sebenarnya bukan masalah-masalah amat tapi lumayan penting bagi banyak orang, higienitas. Banyak tukang ojek yang... ya... bau... Dan helm mereka juga rada-rada mencemaskan karena ngga dirawat. Sementara para driver Gojek relatif bersih, sopan, ramah, pake dikasih hair cover dan masker mulut juga. Harga fair karena tertera jelas sesuai perhitungan jarak. Gimana konsumen ngga kepincut kalau dikasih alternatif yang jauh lebih baik?

So far gw belum pernah cobain GrabBike sih. Tadi pagi mau coba tapi ngga dapet yang mau nganterin. Jadi belum bisa bandingin gimana kualitasnya. 

Btw, gw pernah baca artikel seorang ojek konvensional yang tidak mau ikutan Gojek karena SIM dan STNK maupun surat-surat kependudukannya ada yang nga lengkap (dimana malah bikin gw makin serem sama ojek konvensional karena identitasnya ngga jelas). Mereka juga malas karena pembagian 80-20 dan menganggap pemilik apps cuma ongkang-ongkang kaki tau-tau dapet duid 20% pendapatan driver. Yah, pantes lah susah kaya kalau mereka pikir jadi bos itu kerjaannya cuma ongkang-ongkang kaki. ==;

Gw sendiri seandainya saja bisa bawa motor mungkin udah daftar ikut Gojek. Bokap gw juga kepincut pengen ikutan Gojek, tapi sayangnya batasan umur drivernya cuma sampai 50 tahun. :/

Sekali mengantar minimal dapatnya Rp20.000,- (Rp25.000,- minus 20% nya). Kalau misalnya full time ngojek tapi rada malas, anggap saja dalam sehari mengantar 5x sehingga pendapatan Rp100.000,-/hari. Dalam sebulan itu sudah dapat 3 juta dan harusnya masih bisa lebih. Kalau rajin malah pendapatannya mengalahkan gaji orang kantoran. Apa mendingan gw belajar naik sepeda dulu ya...

Note. semua image yang gw post disini bukan gw yang ngambil. Didapat dari berbagai sumber berita online~

Saturday, June 13, 2015

LINE Stickers - Glasses Girl May

Perhaps I'm a bit narcissistic here. xD

She's cheerful, lively, and a bit mischievous. Say hello to Glasses Girl May~!

You can find her at LINE sticker shop in your smartphone apps (by searching keyword "glasses" or "maygreen") or purchase here :

 Hope you like it, thank you very much. ^^

Thursday, April 30, 2015

LINE Stickers - The Little Gardener

The Little Gardener stickers are available as LINE Sticker Shop.
Express your days together with The Little Gardener~

You can find them at LINE sticker shop on your smartphone, or buy it here :

Thank you very much~ :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"The Book of Bunnies" now available~

Kabar gembira buat para pecinta kelinci dan buku anak. Telah terbit "The Book of Bunnies"~
Berisi 10 kisah petualangan kelinci-kelinci lucu dari Arleen A dan kolaborasi 8 ilustrator. 2 dari 10 cerita pada buku ini saya yang ilustrasikan. Salah satunya adalah kisah kelinci bertelinga panjang yang ada di cover. :)

Harga Rp125.000,-
Penerbit Bhuana Ilmu Populer
Bilingual Indonesia - Inggris

Temukan kelinci favorit kalian di toko buku terdekat~ ^^

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last Day of 2014

2014 menjadi tahun yang spesial karena banyak hal terjadi tahun ini. Banyak hal baru yang gw rasakan, enak maupun ngga enak.

Yang paling memorable adalah 2 mimpi gw terkabul di tahun ini. Gw akhirnya menjejakan kaki di tanah Majapahit pada bulan Mei, dan negri sakura di bulan Oktober. Tahun ini gw lumayan banyak jalan-jalan, dan untungnya dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihan semuanya bisa gw nikmati dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Sadly, dalam urusan kerja, tahun ini gw merasa kurang perform. Tapi mungkin saking stucknya gw jadi banyak refleksi diri dan makin punya gambaran sama apa yang sebenernya gw inginkan di tahun-tahun selanjutnya. Selama ini gw selalu pake banyak alasan untuk ngga berkarya dan gw sudah capek. Gw harus ngilangin sikap setengah-setengah gw untuk mimpi-mimpi gw di tahun-tahun selanjutnya.

Tahun ini juga menjadi tahun politik yang paling panas dan emosional bagi bangsa ini, termasuk untuk gw. Banyak hal yang berubah sejak pemilu, termasuk di lingkungan tempat gw kerja. Gw jadi rada menghindar ngomongin politik atau ekonomi di kantor, karena buntut2nya pasti ada aja yang nyinyir. Namun di sisi lain di tahun ini gw jauh lebih banyak mau tahu dan cari tahu soal 2 urusan itu.

Ngomong-ngomong kantor, tahun ini juga jadi tahun perpisahan. Beberapa rekan kerja memutuskan untuk keluar setelah sekian lama bersama-sama. Yah, gw rasa lumayan lumrah dimanapun pasti ada yang keluar dan ada yang masuk, tapi gw lumayan merasa kehilangan. Rasanya 2015 bakal berasa beda banget suasana disini.

Dari dunia komik, gw banyak nemu judul-judul bagus yang gw bener-bener nikmatin dan tunggu-tunggu setiap chapternya. Beberapa mungkin dah keluar dari tahun-tahun lalu tapi baru gw temukan sekarang. Yang paling favorit buat gw adalah Shoukoku no Altair, Otoyomegatari, dan Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun. Sementara anime mungkin bisa dibilang cuma 2 yang gw tonton tahun ini. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun yang gw tonton karena komiknya cukup berhasil membuat gw akhirnya memutuskan ngikutin animenya, lalu yang kedua Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Yang terakhir ini gw putuskan nonton gara-gara twitter temen gw yang bikin kepo dan gara-gara musiknya dibikin sama Yuki Kajiura. Ternyata emang ini anime mindfuck yang membohongi penonton pake karakter magical girls... : |

Sebagai penutup tahun ini, gw juga turut berduka untuk kecelakaan QZ8501 Air Asia. Semoga seluruh keluarga korban diberikan kekuatan dan ketabahan. Gw selalu berdoa agar semua proses evakuasi dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar sampai selesai.

Farewell 2014, I really enjoy this year. Hello 2015, please take a good care of me.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Bustling Metropolis of Tokyo

At last... we set our foot at the capital of Japan, the big metropolis, the most busy place of all over Japan. The sensation when I arrived were kind of similar to the time after a several days trip around Java and finally back to Jakarta where finally back to the concrete forest. I'm not saying there're no tall building in Osaka and Kyoto, but the scale are quite different. And plus, I just came from Kawaguchiko so it was really a contrast scenery.

There are so many things to do in Tokyo, but not much time left. I secretly wished for our flight to be delayed, though. xD; We really want to go back to Japan again, mostly because there are a lot of things we still want to do in Tokyo Area.

As crowded as it's people, Tokyo local train and subway lines are much more complicated. It's a good decision we arrived at Osaka and Kyoto first so we've already used with Japanese train and bus system.

I find Tokyo people dress in much more variations of types and colors, but nothing weird like in anime. I rarely people in spiky hair unless they're cosplaying. Speaking of cosplay, it was Halloween when we were there. So many people dressed in costume around after hours. Many shops also had some Halloween decorations and Halloween themed products.

For some reasons my appetite turn to worse in Tokyo. I really wanted to eat and tried more kind of foods but I couldn't find the will to eat or fully enjoy my meal, even though I was hungry. It's not because the food is bad, though, since we found the best pork ramen of our life in Tokyo. Maybe it's because of the accumulated tiredness or because the cold weather... It quite hindered us from really enjoying this city, and I hope we could go back to experience what we've missed. Nevertheless, we're still enjoyed our city tour very much.

Tokyo Tower
The city's most famous iconic structure that appears in many anime and comic books. Although nowadays people recommend Tokyo Sky Tree more than this one. We only took pictures of this tower as we feel our visit to Tokyo won't be complete without seeing this one with our own eyes. It's near Akabanebashi Station. :)

Ikebukuro is like Akihabara for female since here lies the famous Otome Road. The scale might be smaller than Akihabara, though. Many people are cosplaying when we came here. Since our inn located around Ikebukuro we have a good access to this area. We choose Nekorobi Cat Cafe as our first animal cafe also because of the location.

There are anime related shops like Animate and Mandarake. They're targeting women more in this area. I only visited Animate and I can tell it's a paradise for fujoshi, with many yaoi mangas displayed in the first floor and Bakumatsu Rock exhibition(?) on the top floor. My brother kinda freak out everytime he found himself as the only man in the floor. But there are also boys in merchandise floor and he feel more in his elements as the merchandise displayed here are from general anime and manga.

We also visited Tokyu Hands because we want to buy some good quality nail clipper and sewing scissor for our mother (She's a dressmaker). It has an aura "we sell everything you need here" so we went inside despite we didn't really know if we will find what we're looking for. And yes, we found them, although prices here are quite expensive... ^^;

If you like ramen, you might want to try Bankara Ramen in this area. The portion are big, the broth are thickly rich and delicious, and the pork chop are scrumptiously thick yet so tender as it melts perfectly in your mouth. We ordered their number one tonkotsu ramen and tsukemen. Both were delicious but the pork ramen was really incredible. Ugh, I really miss that ramen...

Best Seller Tonkotsu Ramen

Tsukemen, it's ramen but in separated noodle and broth

I'm not sure if it's the same branch, but there's also Bankara Ramen in Jakarta, at Lottle Shopping Avenue Ciputra World on the 4th Floor. Their menu and their ramen really looks like the Japanese Bankara Ramen, but the one we had in Ikebukuro are much better especially for the tonkotsu.

To get here, we go to Tokyo Teleport Station. As we went out from the station, we can see the buildings have unique and modern architecture in this area and there's an amusement park across the road.

But the only reason why we came here is to pay our respect for the 1:1 scale Gundam Statue in Diver City, and that's all. Initially we also wanted to look around in the shopping mall. But we came to early and shops aren't opened yet.

Meiji Temple
Located in Yoyogi Park and near Harajuku, talk about a huge contrast... Meiji Jingu Mae Station is also known as Harajuku Station. Many important Shinto rituals or ceremonies are happened here. And again, even though I know I'm in the middle of big cities, the atmosphere was so nice with big trees all over the place as if we're surrounded by small forest.

There seemed to be some ikebana and other exhibitions, and also a ritual prepared. Those who attend for religious activities were dressed finely. We only saw procession of priests walking in through torii gates to the main temple, but we don't know what kind of ritual were they doing.

Harajuku is one place where you can find more Japanese people dressed in striking colors (the majority of them always use calm and earthy colors). Many people come here to shop for clothes, cute stuffs, and crepes. There are many crepe stalls in this area and we tried two of them. Just choose which crepe number you want from the display and tell the number at the cashier, pay, and then wait for it. They're cost around 300-700 Yen each according to the toppings.

Harajuku is also near Omotesando area. But my feet was already started to killing me and we didn't look around that much. We just went inside the station and took subway to Shibuya.

We get here to pay a visit to the famous Hachiko Statue, and take a look around the shopping district. I wonder how is it in weekdays, but it's really crowded in Saturday. The light rain was making people walked around in their umbrellas.

I found Shibuya as high-end shopping district since most of the shops are branded and seems expensive. But we still have our otaku time here at Parco building when we visit Mugiwara Store and all shops around it. :3

We also have great time in Genki Sushi Shibuya where they served sushi in new system of conveyor belt. I'm not even sure it's a conveyor belt. People ordered from a monitor/tablet and the sushi will arrived in front of you via train belt. It's fun and pretty efficient since it's fast, people will get what they want, no spoiled sushi, and they only need fewer waiter with this system.

There's a Genki Sushi branch too in Jakarta's Plaza Senayan. But I feel it's much cheaper in Shibuya, since I found myself ordering almost 12 plates of various sushi but pay a little cheaper and more satisfied than 'when we don't even eat that much but pay a bit more expensive' in Jakarta. I even try different fishes this time, other than tuna and salmon. And my brother loves to find pork sushi there.

Practically Otaku Heaven... Lots of action figures, plastic models, maid cafes, and specialty shops. We walked around Yodobashi and some action figure shops, but there's more than just anime-related products around here.

Inside Yodobashi Camera, after a while, you will notice the curious Yodobashi song played over and over again. I really wonder how all the staffs feels since in works they only hear this music for almost everyday. It's really brainwashing. And now, I'm trying to brainwash you too. Let's join the dark side of Yodobashi Camera... :V

People said you will hate this song after two hours inside Yodobashi, but you will really miss it after you leave Japan. Aside of the song, my brother buy some Gundam plastic models here. It's quite cheaper compared to the price in Indonesia, but of course since there's no shipping fee and such. The item sellection is much better too. I'm also curious with all of the food or kitchen related electronic products. But the staff always approached us with their big smile and sparkly eyes, makes me feel bad since I didn't plan to buy any...

There's Sushizanmai, a sushi restaurant in the ground floor just outside of Yodobashi Camera for delicious sushi in reasonable price. It's near an escalator towards subway station.

Asakusa is famous for their Japanese traditional style shopping alley that leads to Senso-ji Temple, the main attraction of this area. Both are exciting experience. We tried some fried mochi (we're not sure that's the name, though...) for snacks and buy some souvenirs for our friends and family. It seems that Asakusa always packed with tourist from all over the world who wanted to experience a bit traditional Japanese atmosphere in Modern Tokyo. People also like to get omikuji (fortune telling paper) and buy omamori (good-luck charm) in Sensoji Temple.

Note. Tokyo Banana and White Chocolate Daifuku Mochi. this is the most loved snack souvenirs. Everyone who I gave this always gobbled them happily, except for those who don't like banana. We found them sold only in Asakusa, but maybe there is another place we just didn't notice.

You can see Tokyo Sky Tree, the highest skyscraper in this city, from Asakusa. We didn't go there due to the lack of time (and we choose Tori no Iru Cafe instead for the love of owls). It's more to the east from Senso-ji Temple, across the river.

We came here to search for the rabbit cafe, but we're pretty surprised to also found cute alleys with a lot of cute shops in this area. It's only one station from Shibuya and it feels really different already, almost like suburban feeling. Most of the shops are cafes, small clothing stores, or artsy souvenirs, makes us wonder if there are many artsy people in this area. It's not as crowded as other places I've visited in Tokyo, so we had more relaxing atmosphere here. We would love to come back here and explore more around this area. :)

Haneda Airport
I expected Haneda will be a little better than Kansai airport, but it's more than that. Haneda International Airport is the best and the most enjoyable airport I've ever experienced so far. The structure is big and very modern, but they give a touch of traditional Japan style with Edo Koji Alley. This alley is for shops and restaurants so visitor could enjoy their time while waiting for flight or baggage check in. The toilet room is our best Japanese hi-tech toilet experience with spacious area in each room, many buttons for your needs, including dryer, and they're very clean. Some of them are still in squat toilet for people who prefer that one.

On the upper floor around the back, there are character souvenir shops, heaven for those who love certain characters and cute characters such as Hello Kitty and Rilakuma. The famous planetarium cafe also located around here. If we go to the back door, we'll reach observatory area where people can see the plane take off, like in those dramas or comic scenes where they're departed with their loved ones. But it's night and raining, so... not much to see at that time. :S

After immigration process, there are still quite many shops inside. But we spent too much time before immigration so we didn't have chance to properly look around. Our gate is pretty far and we still need to dragged our sore feet to the plane. There was something like transport vehicle, like the one for cleaning the floor, but little bigger and it can bring some passengers. But it's only for elderly, sick people, pregnant women, and mother with small child. I don't think my hurt feet is reason enough for it to bring me along...

Finally we get into our plane and it's time to say goodbye. After all those adventure I felt really hard when we had to departed to Jakarta. Hopefully not too far in the future, we can have another escapade to this wonderful country. And I hope they can fix their nuclear reactor problems too... :S

Arigatou, Nippon~ Until we meet again~ ^^